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AGHTM Library Contents

AGHTM contains numerous script files, images, text files and audio files that you can use to create your own missions. All of the provided files are accounted for by default in the library. These files are free to use and distribute with your missions. See the respective sections for details on what is contained in each of the folders and files.

Package Contents:
Root Folder
This folder contains some support files for the library including the standard readme file which you might actually want to read before getting started.
The standard AGHTM readme file containing information about the library, the mission bundles and credit to those folks who were kind enough to assist in getting this project off the ground.
Setup Checklist.txt
This file is meant to serve as a checklist for you when you create your own missions using AGHTM. This is not meant to be a set of instructions to follow. This documentation should serve as the primary source of information on how to use AGHTM. This checklist assumes you are following the instructions laid out in this documentation and is only meant to serve as a supplemental reference while building your missions.
agHTM Folder
This folder contains the AGHTM library scripts. These are the core files that provide the AGHTM library functionality.
This is the magic that is AGHTM. All of the common functionality that makes AGHTM so flexible is provided by this script.
This file contains all of the configuration items needed to initialize an AGHTM mission. The configuration has intentionally been separated from the script logic, so different missions can have very flexible and fully customizable configurations while still allowing the functionality of the script to remain untouched. This file contains information about the pickup locations, navigation radio frequencies, audio files used for the mission start stage, etc.
The details of this configuration file and how you can fully customize it to fit your mission needs is covered in much greater depth in the Customizing Your Mission with agHTMConfig.lua section of this documentation.
This script file is meant to be loaded after all other scripts and is meant to contain all of the logic specific to your mission. This starter file contains everything that is needed to initialize AGHTM, and has some placeholders where you can begin to add your own mission code. In programming parlance, this is what most programming languages would refer to as the entry point into the application.
agScript Folder
AGHTM is built on top of agScript for DCS. Details on these files can be found in the agScript for DCS section of the site. Only the necessary agScript files are included here. Additionally, some parts of agScript leverage some of the calculation functions from MIST so a courtesy copy of the mist script is included in the bundle.
assets > audio > nav beacon Folder
This folder contains all of the morse code audio files meant to be used as navigation beacons. You will find individual files for the single characters "A" through "E", as well as a file containing the 3 character phrase "FOB" for the final destination. All audio files are 4 minutes long and repeat the respective character or phrase at 10 second intervals.
assets > audio > voiceover Folder
The audio files in this folder help provide the interactivity and immersion that AGHTM is striving for. The large number of voiceover files in this folder can be grouped by function. Many of the audio files have versions for each of the five default pickup zones (ALPHA through ECHO), plus the final destination, Olympia Base.
The file names indicated below use the placeholder [WAYPOINT] which is meant to represent pickup locations ALPHA through ECHO and Olympia Base. Any of these files will have versions for ALPHA through ECHO. However, due to the logic in the script, not all groups of audio files have versions for Olympia Base. This is expected. All necessary files are listed.
This audio is played after passengers are picked up at a location and departure clearance has been requested by the player.
Audio: "Copy Easy Rider, You are clear to depart."
This audio is played after the player signals their approach to a pickup location.
Audio: "Copy Easy Rider, You are clear to land."
This audio is played on mission start and begins the mission instructions stage.
Audio: "Olympia Base, Easy Rider is checking in for Transport duty."
This audio triggers after the transport portion of the mission has been completed by the player and signifies the final step in the AGHTM process.
Audio: "Copy that. Easy Rider checking out."
This audio file plays immediately after departure clearance has been granted and represents the current location being completed and the next step being activated. This does not apply to the final destination as departure clearance is neither requested nor granted.
Audio: "Roger [WAYPOINT], Easy Rider out."
This audio file plays when the player uses the radio menu to signal their approach once within 3NM.
Audio: "[WAYPOINT], Easy Rider, Inbound for Transport"
This file plays at the final destination, once the user lands in the designated landing area trigger zone, and remains landed for 10 seconds without cancelling the landing sequence. Cancel events are covered under the Script Functionality page of this documentation in the On Final Landing at Destination section.
Audio: "Welcome back Easy Rider... Hope your flight was enjoyable... Shut down and come and join us in the mess for some chow."
This audio file triggers when the player uses the radio menu button to signal their pickup of passengers at the current location. This also requests departure clearance.
Audio: "[WAYPOINT], Easy Rider, passengers are aboard. Awaiting departure clearance."
This audio is played immediately after the player checks in and is the first step of the mission instructions stage.
Audio: "Copy Easy Rider"
Start3.ogg (and Variations)
This audio file summarizes the number of pickups in the current mission and gives the player information about what their role is in the mission. The default version of this file "Start3.ogg" covers missions with the full five pickup locations. If your mission does not use all five pickup locations, you can substitute the appropriate version of this file in to match the text messaging displayed on the screen. There are versions of this file for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 pickup locations. The number of pickups in the file is indicated after the underscore in the filename.
Audio: "Today's transport has [NUMBEROFPICKUPS] pickups scheduled. You will go to each station and pick up the passengers who will be standing by."
Instructs the user to start up the aircraft and proceed to the first location. This marks the end of the instructions stage. The mission will proceed once the player arrives at the first location.
Audio: "Start up and proceed to Alpha Station"
This file informs the player how to use the radio menu buttons to signal their approach so the mission can proceed.
Audio: "When you are within 3 NM, be sure to use the radio menu to announce your approach, or the mission will not proceed."
This file informs the player how to use the radio menu buttons to signal their pickup so the mission can proceed.
Audio: "After you land at each station, wait a minute or two, then announce that the pickup is complete using the radio menu. This will make the mission proceed."
AGHTM intentionally does not check to see if you are landed at a specific location before allowing you to signal the pickup. There are several reasons for this that we will not go into. It seemed to make sense to do it this way to make the script more flexible and to cut down on the complexity of the script logic.
As such, there is potential for players to game the system and signal a pickup as long as they are within the designated trigger zone without actually landing. This was done so a player could opt to practice hot pickups if they so chose, by hovering over the pickup area and signalling the pickup.
This audio message informs the player that should they choose to cheat, it is on them, and the only person they are cheating is themselves. We dont really care if you cheat. The idea is to give you an environment to do a multitude of things that may not have been anticipated when AGHTM was written.
Audio: "We're on the Honor System here. Only announce the pickup if you are landed in the designated area, and stable enough for passengers to embark."
assets > briefing Folder
This folder contains text file templates for you to use when adding the standard mission briefing information to your AGHTM missions. Mission briefing information can be created using the base template plus one of the aircraft-specific files. Simply copy the base file content and immediately below it, add the aircraft-specific content, which typically contains the NAV radio frequency information.
Each aircraft-specific template has a Mission Details section. Add any additional information that is applicable to your mission after the stock content. An example may be to inform users they cannot use a certain type of navigation method or equipment, or perhaps to inform them of possible threats they may encounter along the way, or anything else you feel should be included here.
00 Mission Briefing Base.txt
This is the base content for the mission briefing. This message explains what the player's role is as a pilot, and provides information on how to use the radio menu buttons to make the mission proceed.
Provides specific instructions applicable to the Mi-8MT, including NAV frequencies and which navigation equipment to use. If you change any of the NAV frequencies in the mission's agHTMConfig.lua file, you need to update this content accordingly.
Provides specific instructions applicable to the Mi-24P, including NAV frequencies and which navigation equipment to use. If you change any of the NAV frequencies in the mission's agHTMConfig.lua file, you need to update this content accordingly.
Provides specific instructions applicable to the UH-1H, including NAV frequencies and which navigation equipment to use. If you change any of the NAV frequencies in the mission's agHTMConfig.lua file, you need to update this content accordingly.
Provides specific instructions applicable to the UH-60L. Since Radio Navigation is not fully implemented for the UH-60L (and therefore will not work with the auto-generated NAV beacons provided by AGHTM), the instructions state to simply use the Doppler GPS for navigation.
assets > KNEEBOARD Folder
This folder contains all of the NAV frequency kneeboard images. There are versions for 1-5 pickup locations. Since there is no easy way to add kneeboard images to a mission inside the Mission Editor, you will have to add them manually. This process is also covered again in the Using AGHTM section.
The name and structure of this folder must not be changed as DCS needs the folder and its nested folder structure to have specific names in order to work. You can, however, change the names of the individual image files without consequence. You may wish to do this to control where in the kneeboard the images appear relative to other kneeboard images you may add. Pages in the kneeboard are alpha sorted so you can control the order in which they are displayed should you choose. Also feel free to remove any images that are not needed for your mission. AGHTM includes all five versions by default, as demonstrated by the missions in the mission bundles.
In order to understand this process, it is important to understand that a mission file with a ".miz" extension is really only a ZIP file with a different extension. You can work with them like you can any ZIP file by simply renaming it to ".zip". Many of the tools in the Flight Sim Tools software suite use this concept to manually modify mission files outside of DCS to avoid the overhead of running DCS to effectively read and update mission metadata.
To add the kneeboard images to your missions, follow these steps:
  1. If you have the mission open in the Mission Editor, close it.
  2. Navigate to your mission folder and find the mission you wish to add the images to.
  3. Rename the file by changing ".miz" to ".zip" or even better, by just adding ".zip" to the end of the name after ".miz" and confirming the file type change. You should end up with something like "My" or "My" if you did it correctly.
  4. Open the zip file by double-clicking it in File Explorer
  5. You should see a folder called l10n and a few metadata files about the mission.
  6. Copy the KNEEBOARD folder into the above folder (at the same level as the l10n folder and the metadata files)
  7. Go back up one level and rename the mission file, removing the ".zip" we added earlier and reverting it back to a ".miz" file
assets > splashimages Folder
This folder contains several splash images you can use as the mission briefing images for your missions. We encourage and would appreciate you doing this as well, so your missions will stand out as AGHTM missions. All of the missions in the AGHTM mission bundle follow this pattern to identify them as AGHTM missions.
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