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Welcome to Amoeba Games!

Amoeba Games is a software development company, started in 2016, by John Angelini (Koder), a veteran software developer with over 25 years of experience. This personal side project started out as a community website based on a passion for the table top game, Star Wars Imperial Assault. Growing from a simple database to a collection manager and eventually a rich army builder for creating lists that can be shared with others who played the game, the user base quickly grew along with it, and as new passions arose, additional Star Wars based games were added to the catalog of databases and builders. Wherever we saw a need, we tried to fill it. Most recently, the Blood Red Skies and Runewars Miniatures sections were added because, honestly, these are the games we play. We use these tools ourselves as players of these games, and built them how we wanted them to work as users.

Flight Sim Tools (FST) by Amoeba Games:

With the release of Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020, and the personal discovery of Digital Combat Simulator shortly thereafter, a lifelong love of aviation and flight simulation was rekindled and is now a raging inferno. In keeping with our methodology of finding a need and filling it, numerous tools were developed for the flight simulation community and thus, our flagship product and first commercial offering, the Flight Sim Tools (FST) software suite was born, containing numerous tools we use daily in our flight simulation experience and hope you will too.

Star Wars Tabletop Game Sections:

This section contains links to all of the original tabletop game sections, where you will find rich filterable databases of the respective game's content, including cards, models, etc., collection management and rich list builders that optionally integrate with the respective collection managers and contain logic to enforce the respective game's list building rules. In many cases you will find the ability to customize those rules, increasing a list's maximum number of points, for example. This makes these tools very flexible for your individual needs.

Star Wars Armada

If you are an Armada player, this section contains a database of Ship, Squadron and Upgrade cards, as well as a list builder that supports both the FFG Armada Core Set, as well as the DA Shipyard expansion.

Star Wars Destiny

Check out the Star Wars Destiny section which contains a list builder, as well as a database of all of the cards and dice.

Star Wars Imperial Assault

If Imperial Assault is your thing, check out this full reference section which contains a list builder, as well as a database of all of the Deployment, Hero, Skirmish Upgrade and Command cards.

Other Tabletop Game Sections:

Blood Red Skies

If you are a Blood Red Skies player, this section contains a database of Aircraft, as well as a list builder.

Runewars Miniatures

Check out the Runewars section which contains a list builder, as well as a database of all of the cards, and bundle information.

While you are here, check out the list I've compiled of some of the cool products and services I've found out there.
This site is meant for personal reference purposes only and is not in any way affiliated with Lucas Entertainment or any of its subsidiaries, Disney or any of its subsidiaries, Fantasy Flight Games or any of its subsidiaries, Atomic Mass Games or any of its subsidiaries or Warlord Games or any of its subsidiaries. They are the rightful owners of their intellectual property. No claim of ownership of any of these materials, with the exception of the software, is made by the owner of this site.