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Imperial Assault Database:

Welcome to the Imperial Assault Database. Here you will find all of the cards currently released in the Core set, as well as any expansions and Ally and Villain packs released. We try to remain current on all data and make updates accordingly when new data is available.

Many thanks to Sorastro's Painting for generously providing the painted figure images on the Figures tab. If you haven't checked out his YouTube channel yet, go on over and give it a look. He puts together, hands down, the best Imperial Assault painting tutorials out there.
Deployment Cards Hero Cards Skirmish Upgrades Command Cards Figures Product Bundles


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While you are here, check out the list I've compiled of some of the cool products and services I've found out there.
This site is meant for personal reference purposes only and is not in any way affiliated with Lucas Entertainment or any of its subsidiaries, Disney or any of its subsidiaries, Fantasy Flight Games or any of its subsidiaries, Atomic Mass Games or any of its subsidiaries or Warlord Games or any of its subsidiaries. They are the rightful owners of their intellectual property. No claim of ownership of any of these materials, with the exception of the software, is made by the owner of this site.