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Feel free to use the fully functional deck builder (with obvious exceptions like being able to use your collection). In order to save your decks, however, you will need to be logged in. Any changes you make to the current deck will be lost when you log in. To avoid losing any work, you should first log in. If you do not have a login, you can easily request one from the Login page.

List Info:

Squad Name:
 Use my collection

  Auto-add unique character command cards
  Add unique character command cards regardless of cost
  Use Tournament Rules
(40/15/15, Max 4 Standard, Max 2 Elite)
Max Elites Allowed:
Max Regulars Allowed:
Max Points:
Max Command Cards:
Max Command Points:
Validate Cancel


Add items from the panel on the left to your list using the + buttons. Remove items from your list on the right by clicking the - buttons. Switch between Deployment Card and Command Card views using the respective buttons.

Win/Loss Tracking:

Wins {{model.squad.wins}}
Losses {{model.squad.losses}}
Reset Win/Loss Record

List Stats:

Total HP:
Command Cards:
Command Points:

Some items may not be visible because you are using the SmartBuilder feature, which relies on your collection. To see an unfiltered list of items, deselect the Use my collection checkbox.

Available Items:

Validate Cancel
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This site is meant for personal reference purposes only and is not in any way affiliated with Lucas Entertainment or any of its subsidiaries, Disney or any of its subsidiaries, Fantasy Flight Games or any of its subsidiaries, Atomic Mass Games or any of its subsidiaries or Warlord Games or any of its subsidiaries. They are the rightful owners of their intellectual property. No claim of ownership of any of these materials, with the exception of the software, is made by the owner of this site.